Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving
We did - I made the whole spread then packaged up three huge plates that went to friends - including pumpkin pie. :) We did get a little snow before the holiday. This is a picture I took driving up the mountain from Springerville. The top of Escudilla (almost 11,000') was covered by clouds and still getting snow. We live on the opposite site - driving around the base to the right.
After Thanksgiving we had a few days of wind. All weather reports said gusts up to 20mph - we are pretty sure we had sustained winds 25-30 mph and gusts 50-60mph! It sounded like a freight train constantly for those few days then a switch was turned off at 3am this morning - it's calm and beautiful now!
We're drawing the November jewelry winner today - I'll post the winner by the end of the day.
At our recent shows many people told me that they read my Blog. Thank you and thank you for your condolences about Belle.