We had a
great time at the
Butterfly Lodge
Museum BBQ

fundraiser. Met lots of great people, nice dinner and good fun! To the left are Sam & Karen
Applewhite who run the museum from Memorial Day to Labor Day - it is truly their labor of love. Please visit when you get a chance - here's a link to the website as well -
http://www.wmonline.com/butterflylodge.htm Top right you'll see Mark, me and the

Duuude - Bob
Roloff from Black Canyon - he's a true character - please check out his publication The Wild West Gazette -
http://www.wildwestgazette.com/wwgissues/wwgvol2no4.pdf As you can see there was a
good size crowd - I think 131 people total - had a delicious buffet, live music, refreshments and great raffle prizes. Western Drug of
Springerville donated two flintlock rifles,
Hondah Casino donated 2 Two night stays and we donated our one of a kind belt buckle (please see BLOG entry from May 22
David & Pam
Kurtz from Scottsdale
won our donated belt buckle. We
really hope she enjoys it! Nice nice